About Us
Since 2008, EPCS has been promoting environmental sustainability by enhancing and encouraging responsible resource management.
Our work is motivated by a burning desire to halt the damaging impact of poor resource management which has now become a threat to human existence. This is borne out of a realization that poor resource extraction, use and disposal has become an albatross for human survival.
We believe that the best time to stop resource mismanagement was a century ago. The next best time to stop is now.
Thematic focus
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Climate Change
Natural Resources
A Light Wind Swept Over The Corn, And All Nature Laughed In The Sunshine.
Our Work
Living for future!

Future Farming
Poor farming practices such as wrong use of agricultural chemicals, bush burning, and deforestation are drivers of climate change. However, beyond climate change, they also result in attendant health challenges for humans and distortion of natural ecosystem of micro fauna and flora. The future farming project sought to build the capacity of smallholder sorghum farmers on healthy practices that conserve the environment and support healthy living.

Sanitation for Life
Poor sanitation and hygiene is arguably one of the major cause of household diseases. Related to this is poor household waste management. People dump waste in drainages or water ways leading to flooding. The sanitation for life project sensitized households on the dangers of poor sanitation and provided customized training to households and school children on how to maintain good sanitation. Good sanitation practices ultimately leads to clean environment.

Solid Mineral for the Living
In many communities, solid mineral deposit has become major source of communal clashes leading to loss of lives and properties. The project trains community leaders and young people on conflict management and sensitize them on the benefits of peace in mining communities. Beneficiaries are also trained on how to constructively engage with mining companies.